Summary: Six Core Workout Exercises

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How To Get Abs By Using Six Core Workout Exercises
By William Burnell
Jan 31, 2012
Developing six-pack abs is like developing any other muscles - you need to work the muscle and build the muscle mass. But there is a risk in concentrating on your ab muscles only. They are part of your core muscles and should be exercised along with your other core muscles - the lower back, pelvis and hip muscles. Otherwise, you can put excessive strain on the other muscles which will slow you down if you have to spend time correcting any problems. In some cases, you can do permanent damage. Here are some core workout exercises that will strengthen your core and help you get abs safely

1. The Bridge. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Let your back relax in a neutral position. Extend your arms alongside of you. Now lift your hips to form a line with your knees. Hold this position for as long as you can. Breathe slowly as you do it. Let your hips down
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Abdominal Crunch. Lie on your back and put your feet on the wall so that your knees and hips are bent at a 90-degree angle. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor. Cross your arms on your chest. It is better not to lock them behind your head as you could strain your neck. Hold the position for three or four deep breaths then repeat several times.

3. Double-leg Abdominal Press. Lie on your back with your knees bent and raise your legs off the floor so that your knees and hips are bent to a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on your knees and pull your legs against your hands so they a providing resistance. You will feel you stomach muscles working. Do this for three or four deep breaths and repeat.

4. Segmental Rotation. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your shoulders flat on the floor. Slowly let your knees fall to one side but do not push so that it hurts you. Just go as far as is comfortable. Hold the position for three or four deep breaths and then return to do the same on the other side. Do this several