Teen Activist

Words: 448
Pages: 2

A teen activist is someone who thinks and cares for the people in their community. Teen activist’s are important to the community because without them the world would be a little complicated than before. An example is Having No education for children, No places for dogs to live in and being bullied by others. Teen activist’s are the people who worry and think about their country. They make sure everything's ok, they stand up to what they believe in, and they inspire some people to change.

Teen activist are people who give speeches to motivate one another and to try to make things better. One teen activist I found on the internet was Malala. Malala is a teen activist who’s fighting for girls education. Based on what I read about her
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Alex libby is a teen activist who was fighting for getting bullied. Some information about him from ABC news are that when he was getting bullied he didn’t let the feelings put him down. A challenge Alex faced was getting abused on the bus and being alone at school. As said from a quote from Alex was “ It pushed me so far that I wanted to become a bully.”

Faye Carey

Lastly, I researched a teen activist named Faye carey.Faye carey is from New Zealand and she’s fighting for animals causes. Faye is special because she cares for animals and wants to give them a home and I LOVE animals. One of the challenges Faye faced was trying to save all of the animals and putting them in homes. According to the article Sweetyhigh.com I found that she studied the animals so she can learn more and take care of them. A quote said from Faye was “ He would do anything for me and I would do the same for him.”

All teen activists are important to us because they figure out the causes in our community and country. Teen activists are important to the community because they overcome the challenges we face just like Malala, Alex Libby and Faye Carey. Having someone in our community care for others is a sign of bravery. Learning from the teen activists I researched they faced their challenges, they overcome their fears and most importantly they make the world a better place to live