The Affects Of Industrialization On The Rainforest

Words: 906
Pages: 4

In the last forty years a whooping twenty percent of the world’s rain forests have been destroyed and scientist predict that in the next two decades another twenty percent will disappear. While the rainforests are being destroyed, Carbon Dioxide levels have continued to climb rapidly exceeding 400 parts per million. Why is the level of co2 so important? Because scientist have estimated that a safe level of co2 ppm to be around 350ppm. Humans have caused irreparable damage to the environment which will lead to drastic changes over time. This advertisement was produced by the Brazilian government to raise awareness for the damage that industrialization has done to the rainforests and plant earth. Published in November of 2011 the ad features the stump of a large tree with a cut created by what we can assume is an axe, inside the missing section of tree we can see a scene that combines the history of north/south America as well as illustration some of the damage caused by industrialization. In the top corner of the td the statement, “The more mankind evolves the closer to extinction it gets”, is visible. …show more content…
This section of the image is what the rest of the image is based upon and without it the image wouldn’t be able to show the message it is trying to convey so in a way it’s the most important piece. As stated previously an estimated twenty percent of the worlds rainforests have disappeared due to increases in the logging industry and as the population of the world grows, so does the need for building supplies and land for new developments. The tree trunk with the axe marks in it represent the tree that have been cut down in the process of