The Book Thief Theme Essay

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Pages: 2

The Book Thief, a novel written by Markus Zusak, revolves around Liesel Meminger, a young, orphaned German girl. The setting itself takes place in Germany, during the rise and fall of the third Reich, and the narrative is told from the point of view of Death - that is, the physical embodiment of Death.

It is Death who recounts the story of Liesel Meminger - a story which underlines both the tragedy of war and the determination of the human spirit, and emphasizes the innate beauty and despair of being human. Through Death, the reader is exposed to life, and through Liesel, they are exposed to the complicated nature of humanity - both love, courage and friendship, as well as death, despair and war. However, it is its themes of love and emotional
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The relationships Liesel harbors with the two reflect the theme of attachment, as well as enact as a driving force for the story. It is only because of Paula Meminger, the biological mother of Liesel, that the story develops at all; Paula is the catalyst that initiates Liesel’s journey, and it is her abandonment of Liesel that acts as one of the initial emotional triggers that sparks Liesel’s growth and development.

However, it is Rosa - the adoptive mother of Liesel - that aids in nourishing Liesel during this change. Rosa is the firm hand that provides a solid foundation for Liesel, despite the war-stricken area in which they live. Her presence is essential to Liesel’s character, proving both gentle and stern to a young girl with a restless soul.

Any connection Liesel has with her biological mother was limited and cut off early - but it is what little relation they had that pushed Liesel into the direction she went. And it is Liesel’s relationship with her adoptive mother that only further showcases the theme of the power of love and attachment that progresses throughout the novel. Without either, the aforementioned theme would not only fail to develop, but would lack the sincerity and substance that the book so beautifully