The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech In The First Amendment

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Pages: 3

In the First Amendment it states, “Congress shall make no law...abridging freedom of speech.” Freedom of speech is the right to seek, receive and convey information and ideas of many. Freedom of speech and the right to expression can apply to ideas including some that can be offensive. Governments have obligation to prohibit speech. Many restrictions of freedom of speech and expression can be sent out in laws that need be understood to the people. Freedom of speech is allowed on morals, but any restrictions based on a tradition or religion cannot discriminate against anyone living in a particular country. Rights of reputation of others, freedom of speech on public officials should tolerate more criticism than private individuals. The media …show more content…
Freedom of press protects the right to obtain and publish information without the government, having fear or punishment. Freedom of press applies to all types of printed and broadcast materials, including books, newspapers, magazines, films, the radio, and television channels. The Constitution provided the press with broad freedom. This freedom was necessary to the establishment a strong and independent press. An independent press can provide citizens with a variety of information and opinions on matters of public importance. Freedom of press can impact the rights of others, like a fait trail or citizens’ right to privacy. In the U.S, the government may not be able to prevent publications of newspapers, even if there was a reason to believe that it will reveal information that can endanger national security. The government cannot: pass a law that requires newspapers to publish information against their will. Impose criminal penalties, on the publications of truthful information about a matter of public concerns of false information about a public person. Impose taxes on the press that it does not tax on other businesses. Also force journalists to reveal the identities on their information. Prohibit the press from attending a judicial proceeding and telling the public about the information. The rights are developed by the U.S Supreme Court decisions, that define the “freedom of press”, which is guaranteed by the First