The Pros And Cons Of Organ Transplantation

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Pages: 6

Organ Transplantation is an important tool in the healthcare today to help medical cures, which has boosted over the past 50 years, which many major concerns if organ transplantation will have any precise solutions for the future.
During the Early 800 B.C it is believed that Ancient Greek, Roman and Chinese used myths used during transplants that were performed by ancient gods and healers by using animals. It believes that Indian doctors begun using grafting skin techniques to the largest organ by attaching one part of the body to another to repair wounds and burns. During the 16th Century, A Italian surgeon named Gaspar Tagliacozzi, also named the father of plastic surgery, reconstructed a noses and ears using the skin that came from the patients arms. He found that using skin from different donors usually caused the procedure to fail, but by observing the immune response from his successors to learn that some organs would go through rejection from the body. During the 1900’s,European doctors attempted to save patients that were dying from renal failure by transplanting kidneys that came from many animals, like monkeys, pigs and goats. These recipients didn’t lived more than a few days because the transplants were unsuccessful. In 1905,Eduard Zirm, an
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But sometimes after having a organ transplants can lead to medical problems or usually lead to medicines to keep your immune system suppress the so it won’t reject the new organ that was transplanted. Some life threating health problems like diabetes, High cholesterol, Gastrointestinal problems, Sexual problems, anxiety and depression And gout and unwanted hair growthIn the coming years medical technology will change by taking away the waiting list will go away and we will continue living through transplants whether from traumatic injuries, or disease, or from old age, maybe in the future you might just be able to grow yourself a new