The Tall Tale Heart Point Of View Analysis

Words: 485
Pages: 2

In the book the tall tale heart written by Edgar Allen Poe the narrator is trying to persuade you to believe his perspective. The narrator is speaking in a first person point of view. Through the story the narrator will be trying to describe himself and will persuade you to understand him and his actions. Don’t be fooled by the way the narrator tries to convince you it might just be a trick!
In the first page is where you can notice that it’s in first person point of view because of the narrator saying I am, I hear , and questions like am I mad? In the first page the author also reveals his feeling. He does this when he says’’ I loved the old man he had never wronged me’’ when the narrator says this he is saying how he had felt toward the old man. In the first page the narrator also reveals his thought by saying’’ I made up my mind to take the life of the old man’’. When the narrator says this he is telling us his thought on what he will do to the old man.
In pages 1-4 the narrator talks about how carefully he had been observering the old man through the nights. And the narrator is also trying to create suspense in a great amount of ways. Such as saying how he was ‘’nervous so dreadfully nervous’’ and in many more ways. As the narrator tells the story in these 2 pages he is trying to convince you that he is not sane but
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This means that the narrator is using actions and his speak to create a great amount of suspense. How is he creating suspense? The answer is by saying and doing things like’’ a clocks hand moves faster than mines did the 8th night’’. How is this using action and thought to create suspense? This is using both because he is saying a referenced how fast he is moving so he is moving and he is saying the reference which is both action and