Theme Of Shame In The Black Cat

Words: 1509
Pages: 7

Edgar Allen Poe’s The Black Cat follows a man who is confessing his most brutal sins that have led him to where he is now; in a jail cell awaiting his execution. This man commits some of the most heinous crimes imaginable, but he now recognizes that. The narrator is very ashamed of the man he has become. The opening two paragraphs do a thorough job in presenting the theme of shame that the narrator feels throughout the story. In The Black Cat the theme of shame is effectively demonstrated in the opening section as the narrator wishes for him and his actions to be viewed as understandable and relatable, reminisces on the better man he once was, and implies that he is of lesser value than dogs due to the difference in their personality traits. The presentation of this theme early in the story, although somewhat hard to detect at first glance, is a helpful guide in setting the tone for the remainder of the story. Poe’s effective communication of theme within the first two paragraphs shows how well written the story is and is significant in helping the reader find their interpretation of the theme. In the first paragraph the narrator knows his actions were horrible, yet wishes for the readers to see them as “very natural” (Poe 137). The Black Cat begins with the narrator …show more content…
The narrator positions his actions in such a way as to be viewed as understandable and relatable, he reminisces on the better man he once was, and he implies that he is of lesser value than a dog due to their differences in personality traits. Poe foreshadows the theme early in The Black Cat and does it well. This opening section is also very helping in clarifying what the theme is for the story. Shame is made apparent throughout the introduction which helps with the reader’s interpretation of The Black Cat. This is important for the reader to draw meaning from the story and overall adds value to this