Thomas Jefferson Dbq

Words: 354
Pages: 2

Late in the 1700’s and the early 1800’s Jefferson, as the Secretary of State arising to the President, delivered tremendous deeds in the United States mending economical and social conflict despite his biased freedom actions. President Thomas Jefferson served as the first Secretary of State. Jefferson was the founder of the Jeffersonians, a Democratic-Republican party. While serving as the Vice President of the United States in 1796, Thomas Jefferson longed for a commercial dependent country. Jefferson rids all taxes, excluding the taxes set on imported goods and the excise tax on whiskey. Jefferson refused to use money for a strong and plentiful militia. Jefferson built the U.S. into a larger nation after buying the Louisiana territory from Napoleon, currently known as the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana purchase allowed America to control the New Orleans’ trade ports and gain access to western products. The purchase also equipped the United States with more land to indulge into the western expansion. The Federalists disagreed with the purchase because they saw it as more land to pay for with the insufficient amount of money retained in the country. However, Jefferson had planned to obtain this land for all white men and use by small independent farmers creating the land of free men while excluding those of color. In opposition to Hamilton and his Federalist’s plan to form a National Bank to pay back debt, Jefferson confided in the value of farmers, commerce, and agriculture to produce money. Later, during Jefferson’s presidency, he wanted to establish free trade throughout all nations. The …show more content…
President Jefferson also experienced some failures within his economical changing ideals. Although Jefferson despised the federal government, his failed actions put no limits on their believed to be extraneous