Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Research Paper

Words: 745
Pages: 3

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Cigarette “It was not… a woman’s fancy that drove them to it, but an eruption of a long-smoldering volcano, an overflow of suffering, abuse and exhaustion,” revealed Theresa Serber Makliel. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was an extremely tragic event in history. I was the cigarette that started it all. I caused the deaths of 150 workers. This is a long story, so let me start from the beginning. It all began on a sweltering, summer day when a woman walked into the store where my friends and I were. As she was scanning all of the cigarette boxes; she finally landed upon mine. She paid for us and then we were off. I was glum, she took me away from my companions. They were the only colleagues I consider my friends. The lady who bought us took us to work every day, and at least three of my good friends would be ripped out of the package. Then, they would never return. It was always extremely hot like we were in an oven, and she never left that room. The work hours were exceptionally long, possibly twelve, (Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire). Then, one day, we did not go into work. Instead, she stood there holding us, in a huge crowd of people who worked at the …show more content…
Knowing that I caused one of the deadliest fires in history makes my heart race. It unsettles me to this day. The way that the women were treated disgusted me. The evolution of women's rights is a wonderful example of problem solving, it takes patience and perseverance. Knowing that I was a factor in the growth of history gives me a sense of accomplishment. Now here I sit, in this beautiful place, with all my friends. Yes, I have the lives of all the victims on my shoulders, the weight is overwhelming, but I have been forgiven and I live a joyful life. I have always wondered what life would have been like if this tragic event would not have occured. These women could still be alive. Moreover, I have sinned greatly but a great movement arose from