Unit 1 Assignment 1: Corporate Compliance In Healthcare

Words: 1146
Pages: 5

Azemobho Imaku
Western Governors University
Healthcare Compliance
December 22nd 2015
Corporate compliance plans are designed to guide staff on performing their day to day activities in a legal and ethical manner. According to Safian, S. (2009), a corporate compliance program must be rationally planned, completely implemented and fully enforced. For a corporate compliance plan to be rationally planned, regardless of the size of the organization the rules and regulations for the staff and associates need to be clear and logical because having complex or difficult policies contributes to non compliance due to misunderstanding and sometimes staff productivity. A corporate compliance program must be completely implemented by putting into action its policies and procedures throughout the organization. A corporate compliance program must be fully enforced by making sure every member
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While it is important that every organization has a coding compliance program in place, identifying the needs of a specific organization would require knowledge of minimum requirements as stated by regulatory and accrediting agencies after which the specific categories where the organization falls below the minimum standard would be addressed with trainings and staff education. The evaluation of a coding compliance training program would be based how well the coders perform on regular scheduled audits to keep track of each coders coding accuracy, so patterns can be identified and coders who are not reaching the minimum standard according to the organizations policies and procedures get the training and education needed to reach their goals. The training program can also be evaluated on how often coders are trained and educated on the ever-changing laws and regulations that affect their positions and organization they work