Essay on Visual Learning

Submitted By tpep93
Words: 543
Pages: 3

Is Visual Learning the Best Way to go?
College Class here
College name Here
Teachers Name here

Is visual learning the best way for students to go? According to the learning style quiz I recently took, schools cater most to visual learners (The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, 2012). Do I agree with this? Yes, but I also believe schools cater to all three learning styles vice just visual. Imagine you are in a math class, while the teacher is talking about the new equation he is teaching, he is also writing it on the board and afterwards calls on a student to complete it in front of the class. Doing so, the teacher demonstrated both visual and verbal teaching, as well as kinesthetic. Visual learning, according to the two inventories I have taken (Felder & Soloman, n.d. and The Center of New Discoveries in Learning, 2012), is my learning style. This came to a surprise to me since I have always considered myself a kinesthetic learner. The more I think about my result in being a visual learner, the more it made sense to me. Writing everything down and imagining scenarios are something I have always done. Though when it came to memorizing how to do something on the computer, I always preferred to actually do it instead of watching somebody else do it. Now that I have decided to seek an online college degree I am relieved to hear about being a visual learner, hoping that I will not have a difficult time obtaining my degree in Business Accounting. The reason for me obtaining this degree is to not only further my knowledge, but also to put me ahead in the competition when it comes to applying a job when out of the military. Although I agree with my quiz results, I do not agree that schools cater most to this learning style. Like I said earlier, teachers have the capability to cater to any learning style. Personally if I had to guess a specific learning style they catered to, I would guess it was auditory, seeing as all the lectures I had to endure through my twelve years of school. The old adage, “one picture is worth a thousand words” is true for visual learners (The Center for New Discoveries in