Was Julius Caesar A Good Leader

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Pages: 4

Gaius Julius Caesar (also known as Julies Caesar), was one of the most Honoured and powerful leaders in history. There is a great amount of evidence from extremely reliable sources to prove the view that Julius Caesar was indeed a great leader as well as a ruthless dictator. Some evidence that supports this thesis are that he had many personal skills, he was a great general and leader who had success in battle, He was a ruthless dictator who gained power with an iron fist and the fact that he was assassinated in 49 BCE. When you look at Julius Caesars rule and his many achievements it would appear he was a good leader, but by looking further at this, we will become challenged to see whether he was a good leader or a ruthless dictator.
Reliable research has shown that Julius Caesar had many personal skills. He ruled from 49 to 44BCE and was born July 13, 100 BCE. He moved on to become many different things but only one stood out amongst the others, He became ‘dictator for life’ in 44BCE. He was a very successful man who was born into a patrician family and was one of three children. He sadly died on March 15 44BCE at the age of 55 due to stab wounds. His upbringing shaped him into the successful leader he became. (Darlington et.al. 2012 p.87-88)
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Some reasons that support this fact are that he was selfish and made self-centred changes to the empire and it was thought that he only did things for himself. It was also believed that another tyrannical act was displayed when Caesar took over Rome with a forceful army of soldiers. ‘He marched on Rome at the head of his battle-hardened army.’ Caesar especially showed self-centred acts when he took power off wealthy senators and gave it to the Urban Proletariat of Rome. (the republic) Caesar showed little amounts of consideration for others to his nation.