Wealth Disparity

Words: 239
Pages: 1

In Essay 6 “Oprah, Obama and Cosby Say Blacks should Just Work Harder, Isn’t that Right?” The Myth of Meritocracy written by Paula Ioanide a professor at Ithaca College in New York, argues that wealth and inheritance plays a huge role in the life’s of many Blacks, and due to unequal wealth disparity in the United States has made it more difficult for blacks to rise from the bottom of the social structure. Ioanide argues that even though Black and Whites share similar incomes, work history and family structure , their relationship of wealth and inheritance is very different . A recent study found that “On the average, whites inherit $102,167 more than Blacks”( Lipsitz, 2011,p.4) this is because many Blacks receive less inherence by their parents,