What Are Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievements

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Pages: 3

On 1822 a girl named Araminta Ross was born into slavery in Maryland, at the age of five Minty was hired to do child-care. By the age of twelve she was doing field work and hauling logs. She thought she grew up as a neglected weed, minty was afraid that she would be separated from her family. But then some of her achievements happened, once she escaped slavery she was already 27 years old. In 1844 Minty married a free black man named John Tubman, she also changed her name to Harriet Tubman. Once her master died in 1849 she made a life changing decision to either run away or die, Harriet decided to run. It was only a hundred miles from where she lived to the Pennsylvania border, and another couple 20 miles to Philadelphia; which was a great success. Over the next eleven years Harriet would go back to the Eastern Shore and Virginia to escort other slaves to freedom. The only thing that is complicating her task was the Fugitive Slave Act, they would give southern slaveholders weapons to capture slaves that escaped.

One of Harriet Tubman greatest achievements is being part of the Underground Railroad. In document A it states that the
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In document C it says that Harriet was asked by the governor of Massachusetts to join Union troops in South Carolina, she headed there with a team of 8 black spies to provide intelligence for Union raid to free slaves. The raid started on June 2,1863, it involved three gunboats, and black troops led by a white officer. Most of the time when slaves lead their way to the boat they would usually have bags filled with pigs in them,or some would have chickens on their legs. Once the slaves got on the boat Colonel Montgomery told Moses to speak to the slaves, Moses is what he called Harriet because they both lead slaves out of slavery. Her achievement in this is when the got 800 people abroad in one day, she also took 100 men to the recruiting office and enlisted them into the