What Happened Before The Passover

Words: 304
Pages: 2

Before the Passover, Jesus, knowing their departure for the time has come for the parent. Since he loves the world as its own people, they love to eat dinner - when the devil had betrayed him, Simon, Jesus know Judas Iscariot, the son of the father has given all into his hand, and know they come from god, and shall be to the god, the leaves will stand up and stripped off his clothes, and wrapped a towel around his waist. Then he began to wash the disciples' feet and dry with the towel. To Simon Peter, and Peter said to him: "Lord, do you wash my feet?" Jesus replied, "what I do, now you don't know, later you will understand." Peter said, "you never wash my feet! "Jesus said: "if I do not wash you, you and I have no. "Simon Peter said, "Lord,