What Makes Mankind Evil

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Pages: 4

Albert Einstein once said, “The world is an evil place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” Dating all the way back to ancient times people would be horrible to one another and at times they could make amends. Mankind chooses to be evil. What makes humanity bad you might ask? Well, the three things that proves mankind is evil are Jim Jones, Saddam Hussein, and the Dred Scott Decision.
The first example that proves mankind is evil is Jim Jones, a notorious cult leader and leader of Jonestown where the mass suicide took place. Jones gained trust from nearly one thousand people and promised them all utopia if they followed him. Jones is the leader of the People's Temple, a religious based group with members from all over America and the world. When Jones was younger, he didn't have many friends and by the age of ten he started going to the neighborhood church.and he read stories from the Bible to other younger kids in the
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Hussein was the president of Iran from July sixteenth, 1979, to April nineth, 2003. When Saddam’s mother, Subha Tulfah al-Mussallat, was pregnant with him, his father, a shepherd, disappeared shortly after Saddam’s brother died from cancer. When Saddam was born his mother was severely depressed. At the age of three Saddam moved in with his uncle, Khairallah Talfah, years after he moved back with his mother and step-father. After suffering years of abuse from his step-father Saddam moved back with his uncle. Saddam was chosen by his uncle to be part of the Ba’ath Socialist Party. This group was an of people had many assassination attempts and succeeded in many. October 1959 Saddam attempted to assassinate president Abd al-Karim Qasim. Qasim was shot in the leg but survived. Saddam stayed briefly before fleeing to Egypt where he attended law school. Saddam returned to Iraq and the following year he