Who Is The Friar To Blame For Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Blame Paper
Many students have to read the play “The Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet” and have to agree that there actually was much tragedy in this play, But who is real to blame for all of this? Could it be The Capulets? Or maybe The Montagues? Could it be Romeo and Juliet themselves? In my opinion, Friar Lawrence was to blame for all of the tragedy within this play. The Friar was the person who gave Juliet the sleeping potion in the first place, The Friar also failed to deliver the letter to Romeo in the first place. The Friar also left out of his own fear without taking Juliet with him in the first place, Therefore the Friar is at most fault for the blame in the play “Romeo and Juliet” because he Juliet her sleeping potion
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After the Friar arrived he realized Romeo had killed Paris and himself, When Juliet awakes she sees all the bodies. The Friar hears some watchmen in the distance and in his own fear he tells Juliet to come with him and runs. Juliet doesn't follow the Friar she instead stabs herself with Romeo's Dagger. “Friar: I hear some noise. Lady, come from that nest Of death, contagion, and unnatural sleep… Come go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay. Juliet: Go, get thee hence, for I will not away.” The Friar should have stayed with Juliet, He needed to take the consequences for his actions, he instead ran away from his problems. Therefore he is responsible for the majority of the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet.

In conclusion, The Friar is at most fault for the blame in the play “Romeo and Juliet” because he Juliet her sleeping potion in the first place, He failed to deliver the letter enclosed with the plans, And he left to soon when Juliet was obviously feeling wounded and desperate, when she woke up to her dead lover. He could have saved multiple lives if he could have just thought ahead before he took action. Therefore this is why the Friar is at the most fault in this