Who Was To Blame For The French Revolution Essay

Words: 516
Pages: 3

The aristocracy should be the ones to blame for the horrendous bloodshed of the recent events of the French Revolution.

The French Revolution was a bloody war between the aristocracy and the commoners. The lower classes were feeling that the upper classes were oppressive, cruel and lived scandalous lives of luxury and extravagance. The upper classes perceived the peasants as lowly and that all their money was for the taking. The hail storm wasn't the only thing to make the pants hungry. Not only was there very little food and high prices but the food quality was poor only the worst food went to the peasants and only the best food went to the nobles. Most commoners went to bed with hungry tummies even now with the new reform peasants are still
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The aristocracy did nothing to help the peasants in their time of need and just bought up all the food because they were the only ones to afford it.

Then the French government and by government I mean our beloved King, decided to help out the American Revolution by funding it. The King taxed his lower classes millions to make up from he debt but, the nobles paid nothing. Also our King passed the Letter de Catchet not to long ago allowing him and his followers to arrest and imprison whoever they wanted whenever they wanted. With our economy so low and Marie’s and Louis’s autocratic monarchy, defective administration, and their extravagant spending caused their subjects to behave in such a way. So really they only have themselves to blame.

The tension and strife was also felt by the poor people of France because of the upper classes inability to treat the lower with any sense humility or kindness. They looked down on the peasants and didn't even care they were starving. Also when a nobleman ran over any peasant with his carriage there would be no remorse and most of the time they wouldn't even get out of the carriage. Furthermore none of the wealthy people in the country had a to pay a Frank of