Why Are Americans Obese?

Words: 208
Pages: 1

Shocking statistic: Today more than 33% of Americans are obese. Half of that percentage being individuals under 18.
One major problem the U.S. faces is obesity and the problems with it.
According to the article “Why are Americans Obese” Obesity in America is a huge problem. Since the 1900s proportion sizes have skyrocketed. (“Why are Americans Obese”). For example from a maximum size of 22oz. in the 1900’s to 50oz. in 2017. This raised fat and sugar amounts resulting in massive weight gain in the United States.resulting in more cases of obesity.
According to the article “overweight and obesity statistics,” “obesity is a big problem and the effect of obesity on America is not favorable.
According to the article “Why are Americans Obese” by