Why Are National Parks Important

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Pages: 4

Some communities don't want parks in their area because they are afraid they will ruin their wildlife and plants, but parks exist to protect such things. There are thousands of plants and animals in the Grand Canyon Park, "sixty-three plants found there have designated special status by US Fish and Wildlife Service." (United States National Park Service). There are more than "90 species of mammals" along with approximately "1,737 known species of vascular plants" in Grand Canyon National Park. (United States National Park Service). Rangers are trying to prevent plant's extinction, and leave a beautiful view for all the visitors to see; henceforth, requiring a permit to collect plants. Some of the animals in the park are amphibians, birds, invertebrates, deer, and reptiles. There are more, but these are some that a canyon hiker is likely to see. While they are beautiful creatures, the National Park Service warns people to never …show more content…
"Research on the benefits of contact with the natural environment show that it is likely to have a significant positive psychological effect, serving as a place for learning and mental stimulation." (Why Are National Parks Important?- National Park Association). Often times people will remember a time they had an opportunity to visit a park as a child. They remember because it was a significant experience for them. This is another great benefit to having National Parks.
The government should continue to fund and support National Parks, such as the Grand Canyon, because of all the benefits they provide. They provide ample plants and animals, a healthy environment, a long history, physical exercise opportunities, mental health benefits, economic help, as well as providing support for the communities. These benefits far outweigh any costs that might arise. The generations to come deserve a world with its natural beauties in