Why Did The Civil War Began

Words: 360
Pages: 2

The Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars. Also one of the most important wars to slaves and African-Americans. It started with two groups wanting to take charge of the country, and one group wanting to make its own country (south). The first battle was in Fort Sumter, South Carolina. With Gen. Pierre Beauregard firing 50 bombs at 4:30 a.m., this war had the most deaths out of any war at 620,00 deaths. While the war was going on, it grew spectators. This war lasted four years, from 1861-1865.

The Civil War was between the Confederacy (south) and the Union (north or yankees). One reason this war started was the Union wanted to become one country again, but the Confederates refused to do it. The second reason was war Gen.