Why We Should Banning Books Be Banned Essay

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By banning books we are keeping children from knowing part of their history/part of their lives. Books are a huge part of student’s education, and they are getting banned without even the thought about it. Children should be able to have the choice to read books that have valuable information in it from our past and present times.. Banning books should not be an option because everyone should be able to learn about their past and history, and all the important issues that go along with it.
Some may think that by banning books children are kept away from the inappropriate actions/language that goes on within the book itself. "This book is one giant clich, one negative stereotype after another, constant sex, drugs and alcohol use by teenagers, which implies everyone does it, a lot of profanity, and the protagonists repeatedly make poor choices and it's OK," (Linda Van Matre). By banning books we are keeping children “young” and keeping them away from the “bad things” that go on inside books. Parents want their children away from sex, drugs, alcohol, and bad language for as long as possible. When children read books, Parents do not want them to think certain behaviors are okay because they are portrayed in books.
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By banning books, we are keeping children from learning about beliefs, cultures, and most importantly our history/background. “The book explores how people from different backgrounds come to understand one another, exposing students to diversity issues and critical thinking” (LaRue). Letting young ones read books now at a young age, they get to see the diversity in the world and better understand the different backgrounds of everyone. Books educate kids about important situations going on in the world. Without books, children would have little resources to learn the importance of history and culture in the