Women In The Victorian Era

Words: 650
Pages: 3

The U.S. experienced a drastic change from 1877 to 1920. Specifically, the major things that changed were roles of women, technology, health, and child labor. After World War 1, the roles of women changed drastically because women needs to take care of men’s position since most of the men went to war. Technology advanced enormously during this period of time. As a result of all of these reasons, the years between 1877 to 1920 was a positive advancement and growth. The roles of women changed tremendously during the Victorian Period and Progressive Era. The public’s view of children, marriage, and gender roles also changed during the Victorian period. Women become more independent and had more rights. The rights that women gained during the Victorian Era were the freedom to get education and work. Eventually, the percentage of arranged marriages decreased significantly as well. Therefore, women had the freedom to choose who they marry. Society realized that women could stand up by their own without having to depend on men. Therefore, women were less dependent on men. In addition to women received more rights, women’s clothing style changed as well. During and before the Victorian Era, most women used to wear …show more content…
According to our class lecture, “The Victorian Era largely focused on science and modern technology.” During the Victorian Era, some people Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla had a great idea of producing new technologies. Edison invented the lightbulb and Nikola Tesla invented alternating current. In our class lecture, Mrs. Brown said,“1893 Chicago World’s Fair is famous for its part in spreading technology, including alternating current electricity, early movies, and the telephone.” During this period of time, World Fairs usually took anywhere from 6- 12 months. At the World Fair, ideas, technology, electricity, and movies were usually present and perform in front of the