Women's Role In World War II

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Pages: 4

Do you remember the women's role during World War 2 ? Many people in the world remember the female roles during world war 2 . Women had to do manual labor, join the military and be nurses for the military . Some women even joined the marines corps . People in the world believe women shouldn't work or even be in the army ,but there husband got drafted for the war so they needed money. Women's role was important to world war 2 Women in World War 2 had a bunch of females join the military , and thousand of women died during the 20th century . Women who didn’t go into war started working because there husband got drafted into the war .Women in the war will never be forgotten. . Women started working and they became more independent ( ''Partners …show more content…
They wanted to leave the nurses and be in the corps . Women in the world started leaving the nurse career and started training for the army and once they did a 1000 of women applied for the job . Many of the women tried so hard to be in the war , because they wanted to help their country out by being in the war . People in the nation thought that it was crazy how women are going to war . There were a lot nurses during world war 2 . There was about 50,000 to 11,000 . When all the women went to war . They helped a lot of men who were injured . A lot of women died during the war . ("Women in WWII")
The work was exhausting for the women in the war . Female in the war had were tired , so the women who were tired went home . When the women went home , more women who were practicing for the war in America . Women who were at home practicing for a nurse went into battle . Some women who were at war and the men died . They picked up a gun from deceased person and started shooting the gun . Multiple nurses died during the war .("Women in WWII")
Women in world war II were a big contribute to the war . They gave the woman a uniform that had a design , so it shows that the women were the brave and strong . It also helps show that they were in the war ("Women in WWII ")
In conclusion , women were a big role during world war II by helping in the war , being nurses and partners