Woodrow Wilson 14 Points Analysis

Words: 562
Pages: 3

The United States decided to take on a more active role in international affairs and felt they were preparing for world power. Woodrow Wilson knew that he had the upper hand on foreign affairs without being questioned by the courts or Congress and went forward when the opportunity arose. Wilson pushed for a dynamic foreign policy and lead to The United States dominating the Caribbean, intervened in Europe, Latin America, The Far East and possessed Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. This led to undertaking a large number of economic ventures and the selling of mass production products from the United States to overseas including textiles and steel. During this time the Armed Forces were being modernized, establishing Army War Colleges and …show more content…
The Fourteen Points were his goals for a safer world but England and France felt this was being done with an ulterior motive. Wilson made the mistake of pushing voters to elect a Democratically in November 1918 infuriating many Republicans especially ones who supported the Fourteen Points. Problems worsened when the Democrats lost the House and Senate and adversaries announced that they were rejecting Wilson's policies. Another poor choice of Wilson's was the isolation he created between himself and some Republican leaders. Republicans now started attacking Wilson after he announced he would be attending the upcoming Peace Conference, which was out of the ordinary to be done and continued to receive numerous criticisms after naming the rest of the delegation team with only one white Republican. Elihu Root and ex-President Taft, both known as enthusiastic internationalist, were not chosen to the delegation by Wilson nor was Henry Cabot who would end up leaving the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Wilson was not strong in appointing authority or accepting criticism and wanted a team he could control which was proved not to give him any power over the treaty at home. Wilson thought he had European support of his goals in that there would be an acceptance from leaders but soon