Written Communications Writing Examples Essay

Submitted By ctheilig5234
Words: 453
Pages: 2

Written Communications Exercise 5.4

To Friend
Well, I started my Intro to Psych class this week. I think I’m really going to like it. My instructor, Miss Smith, seems cool. From the course description, I’m interested in all of the topics we will be studying. I’m excited! So far there is a lot of reading but by the end I should be able to figure you out and let you know why you do the crazy things you do!
To Parents
I am taking Intro to Psychology this semester. It is a requirement for my program but its also an interest of mine. We will be learning all of the topic studies of human behavior. Some different areas are learning, motivation, emotions, and personality. Even though I hear there is a lot of reading, I think it will hold my attention and be enjoyable. A couple of the topics that I’m really excited about are characterizing biological, hereditary and environmental influences on behavior and relating personality theories to self and others. So dad, when I am done with these two chapters I will finally have proven scientific studies to blame you for “all my problems”! All jokes aside, I’m looking forward to learning and applying my knowledge to my future.
To High School Students
As I begin my studies in the subject of Psychology, which is a requirement for most degrees, I find myself reflecting back to high school subjects that did not hold my attention. With this college level course, the information contained in the course is at a more advanced level but is interestingly enough much more engaging. With the inclusion of hands on research and observation in the community such as zoos, the mall, or even the movie theatre, I find myself excited about a subject