A Persuasive Thesis Statement

Words: 381
Pages: 2

Too much sleep or not enough, the world may never know?
A Persuasive Thesis Statement on sleep:
Even though adults say teenagers sleep too much and don't finish their work at night, I should get at least 8 hours of sleep a night because 8 hours of sleep allows me to perform adequately and I fall asleep in class and feel exhausted..
Adults like to argue that teens sleep too much, along with not getting their school work finished. Kids ages 12-18 should get about 8.5-10 hours of sleep. Even in you sleep 6 or 7 hours a night and are able to function and finish the day, doesn’t mean you are going to function as good as you would with an extra hour or two to sleep in. If you don’t sleep enough your body isn’t able to perform to its full ability,