Age Of Exploration Essay

Words: 773
Pages: 4

Today, people have heard about Columbus sailing to the new world and other explorers sailing to other countries for trade. These explorers were in a time period called the Age of Exploration. Although there were explorers and ideas that sort of helped start this period, there are only a few people and ideas that give it the push that it needed. First, there is the idea of mercantilism. Second, Cortes sails to Mexico and wipes out the Aztecs. And lastly, there was The Columbian Exchange when Columbus landed in the Americas. All of these have directly influenced the way that most Countries are now.

The definition of mercantilism, during the age of exploration, was to increase the wealth of your country. One of the ways that countries can accomplish mercantilism is to establish tariffs to influence their people not want to buy any goods from any other outside countries. They can also establish subsides so businesses in their country can grow or manufacture goods that can be sold to
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Some of the goods and animals that were brought to the new world from the old world included: horses, cattle, pigs, sugar cane, wheat, oats, etc. oats, etc. The horse had the biggest influence on the New world because they provided the native Americans with a fast way of transportation and it gave them a faster way to hunt for their food. Some animals and goods that came to the old world from the new world included: Turkeys, llamas, Corn, Potatoes, Tobacco, etc. The potato had the biggest influence on the Old world. This is because it was a cash crop that helped improve the life of many poor Europeans because it was a very cheap food that had a great taste. The Columbian exchange had an extreme influence on the both the old and new world because the new goods and the animals that were introduced, improved the life of the inhabitants that were living in those