The American Revolution: The French And Indian War 1756-1763

Submitted By JulieFultz
Words: 1057
Pages: 5

The American Revolution

The French and Indian War 1756- 1763 oThe French and Indian War was also known as The Seven Year’s War. oBritain and France both had colonies in North America. oThe French only wanted to trade with the Native American’s who lived there. They did not want to settle on their land. oThe British wanted to trade with the Native American’s and settle on their land. oThe Native American’s liked the French because they didn’t want to settle on their land and did not like The British. oThe Native American’s and French fought against the British. oThe war ended with the signing of The Proclamation of 1763.


The Proclamation of 1763 oThe French and Indian War ended in 1763 when The Proclamation of 1763 was signed. oIt said the Indians owned the land they lived on and the white settlers had to leave. oThe land west of the heads of all rivers that ran into the Atlantic Ocean from the west or northwest were only for Native Americans. o This made the Native Americans happy because now settlers and traders could not enter their area without permission. oThe colonists were mad because they didn’t think they were being treated equally. oThe colonist were also upset because it seemed like Britain wasn’t doing anything that benefited or helped them. oThe Proclamation of 1763 indirectly caused the American Revolution, which formed America!


oThe sugar act was a tax placed on sugar, molasses, coffee , indigo ,and some wines. oThe sugar act was passed by the British Parliament as a way of paying for the French and Indian War (7 Years War). oThe colonist didn't like the tax , it made them mad and they spoke out again it. oThe colonist wrote angry letters and some people even smuggled the taxed goods into their homes oIf the colonist got caught sneaking the goods into their houses they had to go to court and paid a fine.

The Sugar Act of 1765

The Quartering Act of 1765 oIn 1765 the British passed the Quartering Act. oThe Act allowed Great Britain's soldiers to stay in barracks and public houses in the colonies. oIf more British Soldiers needed housing than was available in barracks or public houses they could live in ale houses, inns, private houses that sold alcohol or wine and animal stables. oThe colonist were forced to provided housing and food to the British soldiers. oThis made the colonist mad because they were forced to open their homes and feed British soldiers at their own expense. oThe close contact with the British soldiers did not create good feelings between the British and the colonist.


oThe stamp act was passed on March 22, 1765 by the British Parliament. oThis new tax on colonist made them pay tax on every single piece of paper they used. oThe tax was on ship's papers, legal documents, newspaper, licenses and even playing cards. oThis tax was suppose to be used to pay for the cost of protecting and defending the American frontier. oThe colonist were mad because they thought England was trying to collect money in the colonies without permission from the colonial legislature

Stamp Act of 1765 6

Townshend Acts of 1767 oThis Townshend acts were passed in 1767. oThis act put tax on all goods that the colonist imported. oTax was put on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea. oThe colonist didn't like this tax and thought it was unfair. oSome of the colonist smuggled the goods in because they couldn’t afforded the taxes. oThe British sent soldiers to Boston and the soldiers went into homes searching for smuggled goods. oThe colonist weren't going to take it any more so they protested. oThe protest from the colonist were so bad that the British changed the act so only tea would be taxed.


The Boston Massacre of 1770 oThe colonist were really unhappy with the British and there was allot of anger between them. oThe colonist felt the