Dbq American Revolution

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Pages: 6

The thirteen settlements that turned into the USA were initially states of Great Britain. Great Britain at that time had numerous colonies throughout the world and its control was stretched rather thinly. Therefore, in order to controls these colonies throughout the world they had to take extreme measures. These extreme measures generally frightened the colonists and caused numerous rebellions throughout the world not just in the American Colonies. The British were unable to handle the American colonists and started to impose taxation that was meant to bring the colonists to their knees and repent. When the American Revolution occurred, the natives of these provinces were starting to become weary of British rule and strongly wanted to be free …show more content…
"Resolutions upbraiding imposing taxes without any political benefit as a danger to pilgrim freedoms" were passed (6). In October of 1765, provincial agents met all alone activity interestingly and chose to "activate frontier sentiment against parliamentary impedance in American undertakings" (6). Starting here on, occasions started to achieve the final turning point for the provinces. In December 1773, the Boston Tea Party happened as a response to the abhorred Tea Act of 1772. The start of the rebellion of the colonists was when the British decided to place a tax on tea. This was the final straw that broke the camel’s back, and the American colonies rebelled against that tax by dumping all of the tea for the British into the Boston harbor. The midnight raid, popularly known as the “Boston Tea Party,” was in protest of the British Parliament’s Tea Act of 1773, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company by greatly lowering its tea tax and granting it a virtual monopoly on the American tea trade. The low tax allowed the East India Company to undercut even tea smuggled into America by Dutch traders, and many colonists viewed the act as another example of taxation tyranny. This was the turning point when the colonists decided to break free from British rule. In 1774, the First Continental Congress met …show more content…
The nationals of the center settlements were particularly apathetic about the unrest (Ward, 78). Among the individuals who supported an adjustment in the administrative structure, not everybody who joined the development favored viciousness. Quakers and individuals from different religions, and in addition numerous vendors from the center states, and some unhappy ranchers and frontiersmen from southern provinces contradicted the utilization of savagery, and rather supported "examination and trade off as the best possible arrangement" (Olsen, 9). The nationalists could pick up a lot of support for a vicious Revolution from the less well-to-do, from a considerable lot of the expert class, particularly attorneys, a portion of the colossal grower and various traders (9). Bolster for the Revolution expanded when it turned out to be obvious that King "George III had no aim of making concessions" (9). By the Fall of 1774, the American individuals "had set up the systems of progressive association with the nearby and province level. A Congress of the states would facilitate and control the progressive development" (Ward, 53). The Revolutionary War ejected on April 19, 1775 (60). The reason the British and the Americans turned to utilizing arms following 10 years of battling verbally and ideologically