Ancient Egypt Research Paper

Words: 632
Pages: 3

Hannah Hill
Mr. Musick
Eng 10
September 11, 2017
Ancient Egypt Back in Ancient Egypt, there were many different time periods. There was the predynastic period (c. 5000-3100 B.C.), Archaic period (c. 3100-2686 B.C.), Old Kingdom: Age of the Pyramid Builders (c. 2686-2181 B.C.), first Intermediate period (c.2181-2055 B.C.), Middle Kingdom: twelfth Dynasty (c. 2055-1786 B.C.), second Intermediate period (c. 1786-1567 B.C.), New Kingdom (c. 1567-1085 B.C.), third Intermediate period (c. 1805-664 B.C.), the late period to Alexander's Conquest (c. 664-332 B.C). In the late period, Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia. He was the son of Philip the second and his wife, Olympias. Philip had around seven wives and Olympias was one of them. Olympias believed
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Pharaohs were like kings to the Egyptians. They used Hieroglyphics to write which were symbols and pictures which had there own meaning. The Egyptians called it, "The Words of God." They also believed in mummifying which was putting their pharaoh in a tomb with all of their beloved jewels when they died. Egyptians were so good at mummifying that when the bodies were found, they still had their skin. Tutankhamen was one of the pharaohs back then known as the Boy King. He went from (1336-1327 B.C.). He was crowned at Memphis right after Akhenaten's death. He only had a few people left in his family when he was crowned and when he was crowned, he was only nine. Back in Ancient Egypt, the Egyptians had many different types of beliefs, such as believing in sacred animals. Ptah, Re, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Seth, Hathor, Anubis, Thoth, Amun, Aten, and Bastet are just twelve out of the two thousand gods and goddesses that the Egyptians worshipped. Each god is special in its own way. Meaning one could be a sun god controlling the sun and one could be a moon god controlling the moon. Each god tells them what they're supposed to do for that day for that specific