Angel Falls Research Paper

Words: 468
Pages: 2

Angel Falls
Ice cold water on the tip of my toes. The sound of the waterfall falling sounds like a non stop explosion. Surrounded by green all over, with all of the trees. You don't know what to do when you spot the incredible animals here. The anteater, the three toed sloth, can you even imagine? The hike up was like climbing a mountain you will surely fall out of breath, bring water! This amazing place is Angel Falls, Venezuela, it is in Salto Boleiro and near Guiana highlands. Some effects in this environment are the exotic animals, tourists and the plants.
Angel Falls has some unusual animals in this area. Some of those are the Giant Anteater,the Brazilian Tapir, and last but not least the Capybara, but I will be talking to you about the Giant Anteater. According to National Geographic Society the giant anteater is a large insectivorous mammal native to central and south America. “ Anteaters eat about 30,000 ants in a day, they use their 4in long claws to tear into anthills or old trees, they use their long tongues to slurp up them ants”( Robert Macarthur, Tree of life Research).That is how these incredible animals adapt to their environment. They have an amazing sense in their noses, but bad eyesight and hearing. With the help of their amazing smelling sense, they can find tons of
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It is the 3rd largest national park in the world (Jimmie Angle’s, The highest waterfall in the world). If I was to stand by it I would looked like a tiny ant to a tree, that's how big it is. I decided to visit it, because everyone who has gone there and came back with an amazing stories about it. Angel falls is extreme because it’s extremely high and it is the world's highest waterfall. Angel Falls was formed, like most other waterfalls when water rushes down steep hillsides and quickly erodes the rocks. The height and number of the waterfall or river depends upon the type of rock that is being eroded by