Banned Book Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Kenny Nguyen Davies Ela 10 Enriched 29 February 2023 Banned Books & Its Misjudgments. An educational environment shouldn’t censor and ban certain books because they contain harmful content. Boards of education label certain books as banned books where they contain harmful and explicit content. Harmful content would be considered as criticism towards minorities in situations. Reading books that contain harmful content can be educational as it highlights real problems. Although banned books can contain explicit content, it is beneficial to learn about certain information, reflect on situations, and be exposed to different texts.

Banned books are beneficial as they contain certain information and content. According to Barnes and Noble, under “Top banned & challenged books you should read immediately”, banned books are listed, more specifically,“To Kill a Mockingbird.”. The Book “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a book written by Harper Lee. It is a story about a white lawyer and his two kids defending a black man accused of rape. Most educational boards ban books, as some explore historical events around racism and genocide. Some banned books revolving around history are crucial as it’s important to know one's history, motives, and experiences.
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According to the article “Reflecting on What You Read”, the author states as, “This not only helps you think about the content and what it means to you, but it also helps cement it within your memory”. This supports that as a reader, reflecting on certain information can form a relationship with yourself and the book. Banned books revolving around conflicts against minorities are reflected as readers relate. Books that are censored can be educational as it helps grow the reader by exposing them to realistic situations related to the