Blue Dolphins News Report

Words: 298
Pages: 2

News Report Ronaldo Schmutz: “Tonight on Channel 2 News, we have a story about the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Let’s take a look at what’s going on over there, with our new anchor Todd Louis”.
Todd Louis: “Thanks Ronaldo, I’m here with Karana from the Island of the Blue Dolphins”. Here’s Karana with the full story of what happened to her father, Chief Chowig. Karana started, “Over on the island there was a deal being made by my father, Chief Chowig, who was the chief of Ghalas-at where Coral Cove was on the island.”
“Out in the distance, was a Russian ship coming to the part of the island where the people set up their camp. The leader of the Russians was Captain Orlov, and he wanted to make a deal with the people of Ghalas-at. The