Boston Tea Party Research Paper

Words: 444
Pages: 2

American colonists wanted to take large actions to let British Parliament know that they couldn't tax them without representation. Parliament passed several acts including the Stamp Act, and the Townshend Acts. Parliament took them all away except one, named the Tea Act. British Parliament passed the Tea Act of 1773 which allowed the colonists to get tea for a lower price than ever before. However, if they paid the tax, then the colonists were also agreeing that Parliament had the right to tax them. The Americans decided to solve this issue by performing a protest called the Boston Tea Party. British Parliament passed the Tea Act of 1773 which was a bill that was used to attempt to save the sinking British East India Company. Parliament lowered their tax on tea and granted them a monopoly over the American tea trade. The …show more content…
Samuel Adams formed a group who called themselves the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty held many meetings to plan for this important event. We have an account of the Boston Tea Party according to Alexander Hodgon, "Between six and seven o'clock this evening came down to the wharf a body of about one thousand people. Among them were a number of dressed and whooping like Indians. They came down to board the ship, and after warning myself and the Custom House Indians to get out of the way, they unlaid the hatches and wend down the hold, where was eighty whole and thirty four half chests of tea, which they hoisted upon deck, and cut the chests to pieces, and hove the tea all overboard where it was damaged and lest". On the night of December 16th, 1773, the Sons of Liberty came down to the Boston harbor dressed as Mohawk Indians. They boarded the ship and began to cut all of the crates to pieces. As they threw the tea overboard, all of the colonists watching down below cheered. A total of 342 chests of tea were thrown overboard during the Boston Tea