Causes Of The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

Words: 184
Pages: 1

The triangle shirtwaist factory incident happened on March 25th, 1911 due to a dropped cigarette. There was a total of 143 dead. 50 victims burned to death. The youngest victim of the fire was fourteen years old. The owners, Max Black and Isaac Harris, were notified of the fire, made their way to the roof, and escaped through the next building. The only precaution the owners took was a dozen, 12, red pales of water. The workers on the 9th floor was not alerted early on. Ladders and fire house back then were not long enough to reach the 8th and 9th floor where the fire was. The workers final hope to get out of the fire was to open the locked exits, but no one had the key. Many reforms occurred due to this event. A factory safety commission,