Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

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Pages: 9

According to Baraldo, Turato and Saetta (2012), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one the most conventional adult disorders in the modern era. Baraldo et al. (2012) describes it as a condition whereby airflow through the lungs is restricted as a result of emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Hyperinflation, mucus hypersecrection, ciliary malfunction and loss of lung elasticity have also been found to be the reasons for airflow obstruction in patients with COPD (Hassett, Borchers, & Panos, 2014). Most of the time, the airflow constraint becomes dynamic over the years due to exacerbation of the disease as a result of severe pathological changes of the lungs’ large and small airways and the lungs’ parenchyma (Baraldo et al., 2012). Smoking …show more content…
Medicines for COPD are, mainly, utilised to diminish dyspnoea, inflammation, control involuntary coughing, wheezing and also to control COPD exacerbations (Bades, 2012). The latter states that COPD medicines have been proven to ease breathing by relaxing the smooth muscles in the airways and there are four main types of COPD medications; short-acting bronchodilators, long-acting bronchodilators, phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitors and corticosteroids. Here, in this case, Terry’s medications are Salbutamol MDI PRN, Seretide MDI 250/25 2 puffs twice daily, Atrovent 1 puff twice daily, Captopril 12.5mg twice …show more content…
Those exercises enhance mobility and efficient clearance of unnecessary secretions to reduce risk of any likely infection.

Nursing diagnosis Goal Interventions Rationales Evaluation
Imbalanced nutrition related to dyspnoea as evidenced by the loss of muscle mass and showing signs of cachexia. Patient to demonstrate lifestyle alteration to have a good nutrition pre and post discharge. Auscultate patient’s bowel sounds (Kaufman, 2013). Decreased bowel sounds indicate gastric hypoactivity and also constipation (Kaufman, 2013). Patient has responded to the imposed interventions and has now a remarkably good dietary habit and is displaying good body weight within the correct BMI range Determine nutritional habits and frequency of food intake (Kaufman, 2013). People with respiratory problems often suffer from anorexia due to dypsnoea, fatigue as well as medications (Kaufman, 2013).. Weigh patient when required (Kaufman, 2013). To calculate individual calorie requirement and also stay within the required BMI range (Kaufman,