What Is Action Research

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Pages: 8

Comparative Look at Action Research: Application 1
Lona Burch
Walden University

Dr. Cindee Easton
Action Research for Educators (EDUC - 6733R - 1) January 9, 2011

Comparative Look at Action Research Based on my prior knowledge and this week’s resource, I see a little clear why action research can help me address the needs of my students better. This week I have learned the difference between action research/teacher inquiry and education traditional research. Also, I have learned the relationship between action research and teacher professional growth and decision making. Last, I have been able to see what teacher inquiry/action research look like, how they are similar and different. I have discovered this week that
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Why is it |To make public her efforts, successful and not|To obtain a leadership role – obligation |Students have not meet standards in the|
|important to the author? |successful of the student’s academic and |& responsibility to her students to get |past. |
| |social progress. |an equal education | |
|What is the research question, and what is its |What teacher behaviors encourage one at-risk |What are the factors that support black |What happens when she communicate with |
|focus (i.e., to predict, make an impact, |African American boy to be a productive member|male students’ achievement in MMSD? - |parents about new standards for student|
|control, explain a phenomenon or a process, or |of the classroom community? – make an impact |explain |achievement? |
|provide insight into a teacher’s practice to | | |What is the impact of parents |
|make change)? |