Compare And Contrast Inca And Aztecs

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Pages: 2

The Aztec, Maya, and Inca were among the most powerful civilizations in the Americas before the Europeans arrived. The Mississippi valley was broken up into many different tribes with a lot of the same cultural values. The Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs were the closest to a European Power in North America, while the Mississippi Valley tribes were made up of a bunch of different small societies that lived off of the land around them. Both were very effective in governing their people and running a successful society.
The Mississippi Valley tribes had a couple of powerhouses that dominated the region. This includes the Quapaw, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and a few in the north like the Shawnee or Illinois. A lot of these tribes built platform mounds that
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All of their trade and livelihood was based off of agriculture whether it be maize or corn. Both sets of civilizations had a strong ruler in a centralized government. Both were very religious but chose to practice and worship in different ways. Civilizations in both tried to be the boss or powerhouse of the region they occupied. This tactic worked more for the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs who built massive societies out of conquest. The Aztecs and Incas had complex farming systems like the Mississippi Tribes (does not include the Mayans who used the slash and burn technique).
Whether it be the powerhouses of the south, or the small tribes on the Mississippi, Native Americans ran good, complex societies before the Europeans arrived. Both built up good trade networks and lived off of agriculture. Both were very religious whether they show it through worshipping temples, their leaders, or human sacrifices. The Maya, Inca, and Aztec were massive empires that had a tight grip on their civilization, while the Mississippi tribes were highly centralized, compact and small. All of these tribes are remembered in history as the first successful civilizations in the