Compare And Contrast Text 3 And Text 4

Words: 548
Pages: 3

In the Texts 3 and 4, the writers discuss a topic which requires a lot of attention and is in dire need of being brought to the public’s attention. Text 3 indirectly talks about child soldiers through his review of a video that is garnering a lot of attention in a short amount of time. However, in Text 4, the author directly describes the life of a child soldier and talks about it in more detail than Text 3. Although they both discuss the topic of child soldiers, the way they write their pieces of writing and their methods of conveying their message are different.

The two texts are written differently, but they have a similar, yet different purpose. Text 3 is an editorial that is written in a third-person point of view that focuses on reviewing the information that is given on its topic and has been compiled from other sources of media. While Text 4 is a memoir written in the first person to describe the author’s experience as a child soldier and gives the readers a first-hand knowledge of how it's like to be a child soldier. Text 3 is written to create and direct anger towards Kony, while Text 4 is written to inform the public about the harsh reality of being a child soldier. However, Text 3 is informing people by summarizing and reviewing a video from
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Text 3 is trying to give the writer’s own opinion on a viral youtube video, but at the same time, it informs the people of child soldiers. Text 4 is only trying to give the reader a better understanding of being a child soldier and what they have to face on a day to day basis. Text 4 is more detailed when talking about its topic and its message is more clearly expressed. Text 3 however, has a message that is muddled and hard to find. Even with having these differences, they both show that child soldiers are a popular and controversial topic which needs to be