Counting Strategies In Children Research Paper

Words: 214
Pages: 1

1. The three different counting strategies are counting on, counting back, and skip counting. Counting on is when you give the correct number name as you count, for example: a child has 8 pennies and when given 5 more the child says, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 to find out the total amount. Counting back is when the child starts at a number and counts backwards saying the correct number name, for example: the child has 10 pennies and gives 3 to a friend, so the child says, 9, 8, 7, to see how many the child still has. Skip counting is when the child counts by 2s, 5s, or 10s instead of by ones. To teach counting on and counting back, I would use a calendar and incorporate it into morning circle time each day. By asking the kids what yesterday was and