Dbq Empires

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Pages: 3

During the period of 300 to 1500 C.E. empires were rising and falling and the world was “expanding” through trade and exploration. The decline of these major empires was result of invasion, disease and a lack of autonomy and authority, but eventually new empires took their place because of trade and goods they could provide with new innovation. These empires were major and massive empires that at one point ruled the world. The Mongol empire was twice as large as the Muslims and six times as large as the massive Roman empire (placard J). These empires were thought to live forever and flourish into modern times, but their declines gave opportunity to new empires to rise and thrive during their time period. The most common cause of the declines of these major empires was foreign invasion or internal invasion. For example the Han dynasty fell because of the pressure on the borders by nomadic tribes from Central Asia. Similar to the Han the Roman empire had other factors causing its decline, but one of the main components was attacks from the nomadic tribes, also attacks by Germanic tribes caused damage to the city. In 476 a Germanic leader overthrew the last western ruler while the eastern half was still there, but merely survived as opposed to living. The Roman Empire was never the same (Crisis in …show more content…
The Mongol Empire declined mostly due to the deadly Bubonic Plague. “It began in the 1330s in China, where it killed as much as half the population in just twenty years,” (The Mongol World). This disease made the empire crumble reducing trade and then moving along some major trade networks. The Bubonic plague also spread to Southern Asia and Europe when people traveled with the plague on them that allowed the bacteria to spread to new places, (Placard P). Other diseases such as smallpox, and measles were other epidemics that helped wipe out populations causing their empires to