Decision Making In Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 3

In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare the characters make some very questionable decisions. These decisions could be attributed towards their lack of common sense or chemical reactions happening in a specific order due to their new-found romance. Most people associate love with your heart when in actuality everything you feel comes from your brain. Indicated by Dr.Mumpy, "Falling in love causes our brain to release a flood of feel-good chemicals that trigger specific physical reactions". These reactions happen in three main stages; lust, attraction, and attachment. It starts with that simple feeling of liking the way someone looks, otherwise knows as lust. This is rooted deep in the middle of your brain where a rush of the chemical dopamine floods your system. Dopamine is associated with your ‘Pleasure System’ which makes you feel like you are going to be rewarded. It also reacts with your frontal lobe which helps you pay more attention to what is happening around you (“Dopamine Neurotransmitter” and Dr.Gupta). Lust primes you for the next stage, attraction. When you are in this stage you get less sleep, loss off appetite, and …show more content…
We can now understand some of the thoughtless actions they did because their bodies were releasing many chemicals which made them have feelings they had never felt before. Also we can question whether they were even in love because it is arguable whether they made it past the stage one, lust. We can also be conscious of this information when thinking about their suicides. In their minds their actions were justified, but their brains were not fully functioning because of their affections for each other. As you can see love is a very complex chemical reaction that happens in three stages. So next time you make a decision while in a relationship be conscious of what your doing because it may be completely