Decline Of Roman Empire Essay

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Pages: 3

When it comes to determining the factors leading to Rome’s decline, scholars see different perspectives on how it occurred. Though today historians of ancient Rome are still fascinated with the fall of this powerful empire, It seems to be a combination of factors; such as Christianity, decadence, lead, monetary trouble, and/or military problems.. Even the rise of Islam is proposed as another reason for Rome's fall, by some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in A.D. 1453. Military, social, economic, and political are four factors of Rome's decline. All of these factors dragged down the Roman Empire and linked together in one form or another.

To begin, Rome’s military was envied throughout the ancient world for most of history. That is till it started to decline and change. It started with the inability to recruit a sufficient amount of soldiers from
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In addition, the decline meant less people had jobs thereby, people didn't want to have kids, diminishing the population. This is also due to the immense amount of people that were suffering from the plague at the time. From that, less and less (new) ideas and achievements occurred. Due to the plague (caused by international trade), trade and production declined. During Rome’s time, the empire suffered from numerous attacks from outside forces, yet it was still crumbling from within it walls. Continuous wars decreased the wealth of the empire altogether, and with excessive taxation and inflation it widened the economic inequality gap. The wealthy (in order to avoid taxes), fled and divided themselves from other social classes. The economy of Rome depended on slaves to do most of the jobs. The decline in their economy brought on the suffering of everyone into a depression. Relating to the military decline, Rome was losing an immense amount of money due to hiring foreign people to guard their borders and do other essential