Definition Essay On Heroes

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Take a moment to step outside and look around you. There’s that neighbor watering the flowers like he does every morning. You don’t know it, but he’s a lawyer who helps people find justice, and the person who just drove by you is a policeman on his way to the early shift at the station. Think about your babysitter. What do all of these people have in common? They could all be heroes. The lawyer helps people see the truth, policemen protect us, and babysitters take time out of their schedules to look after us when our parents aren’t at home. We don’t realize it, but there are people all around us who help other people and could be considered heroes.

What makes a hero? Is it just one trait, like bravery, or compassion? Maybe somebody
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Many people get fame confused with heroism, and think actors, celebrities, and leaders can be considered heroes. People can only be thought of as heroes if they have done something that few people have done, such as saving people, or even inventing a machine to make our lives easier. Could a baseball player who pitched a perfect game be considered a hero? To some people, he might. But if the fame and glory gets to his head, he might start boasting about every single thing he’s done. He would not make a good hero.

One of the most important kinds of heroes are teachers and parents. They give almost all of their free time to help us and to teach us, not just teaching us math and science, but teaching us right from wrong, and what to do in hard situations. Teresa of Avila devoted her life to helping young women find God, and Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman doctor, inspiring girls everywhere to follow their
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No. A hero is just a person who saves people from fires, or injuries. Or, a hero might be your teacher, the doctor you go to for check-ups, or even your mom and dad. All you have to do is look around your neighborhood and the people around you. There are heroes all around us, and all you have to do is look around for people who help others, and you’ve found a