Definition Essay: What's The Meaning Of Life?

Words: 746
Pages: 3

“What is the meaning of life?” this is question that has been asked by humans for thousands of years. Undoubtedly there will be times in your life when you will ask yourself this very question. However, answering that will come as a challenge to anyone. After all, the meaning of life is not a question that has a single answer. When it comes to the topic of the meaning of life Jack London states, “The proper function of man is to live, not exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them, I shall use my time.” London’s words on the topic are a very wise intake on the belief that you should make the most of your time on earth and enjoy your life to the fullest. His words express what may people believe to be true and my philosophy in life. Although jumping off of buildings is a good way to put your life into perspective, living your life does not necessarily mean putting your life in danger. You can give your life its own meaning by doing the things you love and being happy. If this means doing things as simple as trying a new type of haircut then you should be happy. The essence of London’s statement seems to put these types of values into light. London suggests that one should not settle for a life of mediocrity and instead use their time on earth to build a life full of and self-growth and astonishment. …show more content…
Today, the meaning of life a question that is asked as frequently as it always has been. Regardless, London's quote evokes the thought that rather than searching for the meaning of your life a better way to spend your time it is to actually go out and live. You can define “living” any matter you choose. In my personal experience living your life means living in a way in which you are not afraid of making mistakes or failing. Moreover make sure that you live your life in a way that when you are older you can say that you chose your life not settled for