Dental Clinic Research Paper

Words: 586
Pages: 3

Your Guide to Dentures
–An Overview from Your Denture Clinic in Port Coquitlam

Losing your teeth can be a devastating prospect. Whether you have lost one tooth, or you have been informed that all of your teeth must be removed, you may feel embarrassed. You might also experience a range of other emotions, from fear to anger to sadness.

Do not think for a moment that you are alone. Millions of people have suffered the same kind of loss. Because this condition is so common as adults age, the dental industry has viable options to offer.

Additionally, you are not alone in this process because you have Burke Mountain Denture Clinic, Inc., behind you. We are proud to serve the residents of this area, and we can assist you in choosing the
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These may be used to cover small gaps and larger ones. They are made from a variety of materials, including acrylic, metal, and flexible resin.
• Implants: Dental implants have become increasingly popular. These are titanium screws that are positioned in the jawbone. The implants serve as prosthetic roots. Crowns are placed over the new roots, and they replace the teeth that were lost. Implants remain in the mouth permanently. There is no need to remove them to clean them, and they look and function like your originals. They may take the place of one tooth, a few teeth, or an entire set.

Talk to Your Port Coquitlam Denturist Today
Getting new teeth is a big step, and the staff members at Burke Mountain Denture Clinic, Inc., are here to support you in any way that we can. By replacing teeth that have been lost, you will find it easier to chew and talk. Dentures can instantly improve your appearance, and they may help to prevent further bone loss in the jaw. Whether you seek a complete traditional set, a partial set, or denture implants in Port Coquitlam, we can help you to make the most sensible choice.

Need dentures in Port Coquitlam? Call us at 604-944-4910. You may also request more information