Differences Between New England Colonies And Chesapeake Colonies

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Pages: 3

"You have always the same view from your window! For different views visit other houses! And for different ideas, visit other minds!" Throughout the early stages of the transformations being made in North America there was a lack of similarity between the Chesapeake Colonies and New England. New England and the Chesapeake Colonies had these differences because of their social. economic, and religious stances. The residents of New England faced many struggles with witchcraft scares. Luckily for the Chesapeake Colonies they didn't have this kind of problem. However they still had a hefty problem which was the Bacon Rebellion. One of the positive situations New England encountered was the lack of rebellion by the people. Both regions experienced horrific phenomena throughout the beginning of their transformation. Although neither area had experienced the hardships the other territories were suffering to overcome.
Puritanism and witchcraft were both abundant throughout all of New England. Puritans believed that there were millions of supernatural and spiritual forces throughout the world. These powers possessed by God or Satan were seen through many unusual events such as blazing stars and birth defects. Puritans believed that these forces were very important to
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Instead the people who lived in the Chesapeake Colonies were merchants who did not have the time or dedication to focus on following a religion. Instead they were focused on making money and growing crops. They were looking for prosperity, not religious freedom. Another reason for the lack or major witchcraft scares is the fact that there was more political stability than there was in New England ("Plantation Life" 53). Due to their different way of life, their were no major witchcraft scares in the Chesapeake Colonies like there was in New