Digestion and Intestine- Absorbs H 2 o Essay

Submitted By KelliMerchant
Words: 390
Pages: 2

List the organs of the digestive system and identify their functions.
The organs of the digestive system work to break down, move, digest, absorb nutrients, vitamins, and remove wastes from the food and beverages we consume. The organs that are part of this system are:
Mouth- houses the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands.
Teeth- responsible for the mechanical breakdown of food into smaller pieces by tearing/cutting food
Tongue- manipulates the food bolus in the mouth and then to the back of the mouth to the esophagus
Salivary Glands- the first step of chemical digestion, saliva contains H2O, buffers, electrolytes, and enzymes that break food further down into a more paste like consistency for transport down the esophagus into the stomach. 3 salivary glands include the parotid, sublingual, and submandibular glands.
Esophagus- a tubular, smooth muscle “pipe” that uses peristalsis to push food to the stomach (deglutition). The esophageal sphincter is a terminal portion of the sphincter that releases the bolus into the stomach.
Stomach- produces HCl and pepsinogen that mechanically breaks down food, rugae or the small folds that stretch when food enters the stomach, is part of this process, the stomach utilizes both muscle contractions (mechanical) and digestive juices (chemical) for this part of digestion.
Pancreas- located behind the stomach, it produces the digestive enzymes used to break down carbs, lipids, and proteins, as well as secretes insulin and glucagen.
Small Intestine- about 20ft. long, sectioned organ (duodenum, ileum, and jejunum), that break down the bolus into the smallest particles for absorption. Villi